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PA1: 奇偶排序(odd_even_sort)

Course WorkIntroduction to High Performance ComputingMPIAbout 15 minAbout 4460 words


Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber Countv0v1v2v3v4
11100000000xxxxxxxxxx6 1void a_plus_b_intrinsic(float* a, float* b, float* c, int n) {2 for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 8) {3 _mm256_store_ps(4 c + i, _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_load_ps(a + i), _mm256_load_ps(b + i)));5 }6}c++


AllReduceBitwiseAnd + Blocking Communication + Naive Merge

每轮归并后 AllReduce 检查是否已为有序.


0 -> 1 -> ... -> (nprocs - 1) -> 0 # Tag 1
0 -> 1 -> ... -> (nprocs - 2) # Tag 2

Source Code

// odd_even_sort.cpp
#include <mpi.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

#include "worker.h"

size_t CalcBlockLen(const size_t n, const int nprocs, const int rank) {
  if (rank < 0) return 0;
  size_t block_size = ceiling(n, nprocs);
  size_t IO_offset = block_size * rank;
  bool out_of_range = IO_offset >= n;
  return out_of_range ? 0 : std::min(block_size, n - IO_offset);

int AllReduceBitwiseAnd(int sendbuf, MPI_Comm comm, const int nprocs,
                        const int current_rank) {
  if (nprocs == 1) return sendbuf;
  int succ_rank = (current_rank + 1) % nprocs;
  int pred_rank = (current_rank - 1 + nprocs) % nprocs;
  if (current_rank == 0) {
    MPI_Send(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
             /*dest=*/succ_rank, /*tag=*/1, /*comm=*/comm);
    MPI_Recv(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
             /*source=*/pred_rank, /*tag=*/1, /*comm=*/comm,
    if (succ_rank != nprocs - 1)
      MPI_Send(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
               /*dest=*/succ_rank, /*tag=*/2, /*comm=*/comm);
  } else {
    bool recvbuf;
    MPI_Recv(/*buf=*/&recvbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
             /*source=*/pred_rank, /*tag=*/1, /*comm=*/comm,
    sendbuf &= recvbuf;
    MPI_Send(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
             /*dest=*/succ_rank, /*tag=*/1, /*comm=*/comm);
    if (current_rank != nprocs - 1) {
      MPI_Recv(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
               /*source=*/pred_rank, /*tag=*/2, /*comm=*/comm,
      if (succ_rank != nprocs - 1)
        MPI_Send(/*buf=*/&sendbuf, /*count=*/1, /*datatype=*/MPI_INT,
                 /*dest=*/succ_rank, /*tag=*/2, /*comm=*/comm);
  return sendbuf;

void Worker::sort() {
  if (this->out_of_range) return;
  std::sort(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  if (this->nprocs == 1) return;
  int left_rank = ((this->rank == 0) ? (-1) : (this->rank - 1));
  size_t left_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, left_rank);
  int right_rank = ((this->rank + 1 == this->nprocs) ? (-1) : (this->rank + 1));
  size_t right_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, right_rank);
  float* neighbor_data = new float[std::max(left_block_len, right_block_len)];
  float* merged_data = new float[this->block_len];
  bool sorted = false;
  for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
    if ((i & 1) == 0) {  // even stage
      if (AllReduceBitwiseAnd(sorted, MPI_COMM_WORLD, this->nprocs, this->rank))
      sorted = false;
    int neighbor_rank = 0;
    size_t neighbor_block_len = 0;
    if ((i & 1) ^ ((this->rank) & 1)) {
      neighbor_rank = right_rank;
      neighbor_block_len = right_block_len;
    } else {
      neighbor_rank = left_rank;
      neighbor_block_len = left_block_len;
    if (neighbor_block_len == 0) {
      // no neighbor
      sorted = true;
    MPI_Status status;
    if (neighbor_rank == left_rank) {
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/1,
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (neighbor_data[0] <= this->data[0]) {
        // no need to merge
        sorted = true;
    } else {  // neighbor_rank == right_rank
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data + (this->block_len - 1),
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (this->data[this->block_len - 1] <= neighbor_data[0]) {
        // no need to merge
        sorted = true;
    MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/this->block_len,
                 /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank, /*sendtag=*/i,
                 /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/neighbor_block_len,
                 /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                 /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
    size_t skip_count = (neighbor_rank == left_rank) ? neighbor_block_len : 0;
    size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && k < this->block_len && l < skip_count) {
      if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
      } else {
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && l < skip_count) {
    while (k < this->block_len && l < skip_count) {
    l = 0;
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && k < this->block_len &&
           l < this->block_len) {
      if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
        merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[j++];
      } else {
        merged_data[l++] = this->data[k++];
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && l < this->block_len)
      merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[j++];
    while (k < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
      merged_data[l++] = this->data[k++];
    std::memcpy(this->data, merged_data, (this->block_len) * sizeof(float));
  delete[] neighbor_data;
  delete[] merged_data;


Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber CountExecution TimeSpeedup
1110000000012526.773000 ms1.
121000000006855.037000 ms1.82738226
141000000004097.778000 ms3.05696721
181000000002431.379000 ms5.15212684
1161000000001636.223000 ms7.65590815
2321000000001177.610000 ms10.63745468


Loop nprocs times + Blocking Communication + Naive Merge

节约 AllReduce 的时间, 进行 nprocs 轮排序.

Proof of Correctness

Reference: Odd–even sort - Wikipediaopen in new window


Let a1,,ana_1, \cdots, a_n be a sequence of data ordered by <. The odd-even sort algorithm correctly sorts this data in nn passes. (A pass here is defined to be a full sequence of odd-even, or even-odd comparisons. The passes occur in order pass 1: odd–even, pass 2: even–odd, etc.)


This proof is based loosely on one by Thomas Worsch.[1]

Since the sorting algorithm only involves comparison-swap operations and is oblivious (the order of comparison-swap operations does not depend on the data), by Knuth’s 0-1 sorting principle,[2][3] it suffices to check correctness when each aia_i is either 0 or 1. Assume that there are ee 1s.

Observe that the rightmost 1 can be either in an even or odd position, so it might not be moved by the first odd-even pass. But after the first odd-even pass, the rightmost 1 will be in an even position. It follows that it will be moved to the right by all remaining passes. Since the rightmost one starts in position greater than or equal to ee, it must be moved at most nen - e steps. It follows that it takes at most ne+1n - e + 1 passes to move the rightmost 1 to its correct position.

Now, consider the second rightmost 1. After two passes, the 1 to its right will have moved right by at least one step. It follows that, for all remaining passes, we can view the second rightmost 1 as the rightmost 1. The second rightmost 1 starts in position at least e1e - 1 and must be moved to position at most n1n - 1, so it must be moved at most (n1)(e1)=ne(n - 1) - (e - 1) = n - e steps. After at most 2 passes, the rightmost 1 will have already moved, so the entry to the right of the second rightmost 1 will be 0. Hence, for all passes after the first two, the second rightmost 1 will move to the right. It thus takes at most ne+2n - e + 2 passes to move the second rightmost 1 to its correct position.

Continuing in this manner, by induction it can be shown that the ii-th rightmost 1 is moved to its correct position in at most ne+in - e + i passes. Since iei \leqslant e, it follows that the ii-th rightmost 1 is moved to its correct position in at most ne+e=nn - e + e = n passes. The list is thus correctly sorted in nn passes. QED.

We remark that each pass takes O(n)O(n) steps, so this algorithm has O(n2)O(n^2) complexity.

Source Code

// odd_even_sort.cpp
#include <mpi.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

#include "worker.h"

size_t CalcBlockLen(const size_t n, const int nprocs, const int rank) {
  if (rank < 0) return 0;
  size_t block_size = ceiling(n, nprocs);
  size_t IO_offset = block_size * rank;
  bool out_of_range = IO_offset >= n;
  return out_of_range ? 0 : std::min(block_size, n - IO_offset);

void Worker::sort() {
  if (this->out_of_range) return;
  std::sort(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  if (this->nprocs == 1) return;
  int left_rank = ((this->rank == 0) ? (-1) : (this->rank - 1));
  size_t left_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, left_rank);
  int right_rank = ((this->rank + 1 == this->nprocs) ? (-1) : (this->rank + 1));
  size_t right_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, right_rank);
  float* neighbor_data = new float[std::max(left_block_len, right_block_len)];
  float* merged_data = new float[this->block_len];
  for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i) {
    int neighbor_rank = 0;
    size_t neighbor_block_len = 0;
    if ((i & 1) ^ ((this->rank) & 1)) {
      neighbor_rank = right_rank;
      neighbor_block_len = right_block_len;
    } else {
      neighbor_rank = left_rank;
      neighbor_block_len = left_block_len;
    if (neighbor_block_len == 0)
      // no neighbor
    MPI_Status status;
    if (neighbor_rank == left_rank) {
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/1,
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (neighbor_data[0] <= this->data[0])
        // no need to merge
    } else {  // neighbor_rank == right_rank
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data + (this->block_len - 1),
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (this->data[this->block_len - 1] <= neighbor_data[0])
        // no need to merge
    MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/this->block_len,
                 /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/neighbor_rank, /*sendtag=*/i,
                 /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/neighbor_block_len,
                 /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/neighbor_rank,
                 /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
    size_t skip_count = (neighbor_rank == left_rank) ? neighbor_block_len : 0;
    size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && k < this->block_len && l < skip_count) {
      if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
      } else {
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && l < skip_count) {
    while (k < this->block_len && l < skip_count) {
    l = 0;
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && k < this->block_len &&
           l < this->block_len) {
      if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
        merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[j++];
      } else {
        merged_data[l++] = this->data[k++];
    while (j < neighbor_block_len && l < this->block_len)
      merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[j++];
    while (k < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
      merged_data[l++] = this->data[k++];
    std::memcpy(this->data, merged_data, (this->block_len) * sizeof(float));
  delete[] neighbor_data;
  delete[] merged_data;


Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber CountExecution TimeSpeedup
1110000000012511.503000 ms1.
121000000006816.121000 ms1.83557525
141000000003940.129000 ms3.17540441
181000000002236.570000 ms5.59405831
1161000000001402.828000 ms8.91877194
216100000000969.002000 ms12.91174115


Loop nprocs times + Blocking Communication + Optimized Merge

Optimized Merge

左侧 Worker 从左向右 Merge, 右侧 Worker 从右向左 Merge.

Source Code

// odd_even_sort.cpp
#include <mpi.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

#include "worker.h"

size_t CalcBlockLen(const size_t n, const int nprocs, const int rank) {
  if (rank < 0) return 0;
  size_t block_size = ceiling(n, nprocs);
  size_t IO_offset = block_size * rank;
  bool out_of_range = IO_offset >= n;
  return out_of_range ? 0 : std::min(block_size, n - IO_offset);

void Worker::sort() {
  if (this->block_len == 0) return;
  std::sort(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  if (this->nprocs == 1) return;
  int left_rank = ((this->rank == 0) ? (-1) : (this->rank - 1));
  size_t left_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, left_rank);
  int right_rank = ((this->rank + 1 == this->nprocs) ? (-1) : (this->rank + 1));
  size_t right_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, right_rank);
  float* neighbor_data = new float[std::max(left_block_len, right_block_len)];
  float* merged_data = new float[this->block_len];
  MPI_Status status;
  for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i) {
    if ((i & 1) ^ ((this->rank) & 1)) {
      if (right_block_len == 0)
        // no neighbor
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data + (this->block_len - 1),
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/right_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/right_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (this->data[this->block_len - 1] <= neighbor_data[0])
        // no need to merge
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/this->block_len,
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/right_rank,
                   /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/right_block_len,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/right_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
      while (j < this->block_len && k < right_block_len &&
             l < this->block_len) {
        if (this->data[j] < neighbor_data[k]) {
          merged_data[l++] = this->data[j++];
        } else {
          merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[k++];
      while (j < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
        merged_data[l++] = this->data[j++];
      while (k < right_block_len && l < this->block_len)
        merged_data[l++] = neighbor_data[k++];
    } else {
      if (left_block_len == 0)
        // no neighbor
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/left_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/1,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/left_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      if (neighbor_data[0] <= this->data[0])
        // no need to merge
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/this->data, /*sendcount=*/this->block_len,
                   /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/left_rank,
                   /*recvbuf=*/neighbor_data, /*recvcount=*/left_block_len,
                   /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*source=*/left_rank,
                   /*recvtag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/&status);
      int j = left_block_len - 1, k = this->block_len - 1,
          l = this->block_len - 1;
      while (j > -1 && k > -1 && l > -1) {
        if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
          merged_data[l--] = this->data[k--];
        } else {
          merged_data[l--] = neighbor_data[j--];
      while (j > -1 && l > -1) merged_data[l--] = neighbor_data[j--];
      while (k > -1 && l > -1) merged_data[l--] = this->data[k--];
    std::memcpy(this->data, merged_data, (this->block_len) * sizeof(float));
  delete[] neighbor_data;
  delete[] merged_data;


Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber CountExecution TimeSpeedup
1110000000012513.623000 ms1.
121000000006665.909000 ms1.8772568
141000000003712.588000 ms3.37059297
181000000002073.758000 ms6.03427353
1161000000001295.445000 ms9.65970998
232100000000851.194000 ms14.70125847


Loop nprocs times + Non-Blocking Communication + Optimized Merge + Lazy Copy

Lazy Copy

不必每次 Merge 后都将 Merge 的结果拷贝到原 data 中, 而是可以使用两个数组交替作为 “旧数据” 和 “新数据”, 只需交换指针即可.

Source Code

// odd_even_sort.cpp
#include <mpi.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

#include "worker.h"

size_t CalcBlockLen(const size_t n, const int nprocs, const int rank) {
  if (rank < 0) return 0;
  size_t block_size = ceiling(n, nprocs);
  size_t IO_offset = block_size * rank;
  bool out_of_range = IO_offset >= n;
  return out_of_range ? 0 : std::min(block_size, n - IO_offset);

void Worker::sort() {
  if (this->block_len == 0) return;
  std::sort(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  if (this->nprocs == 1) return;
  int left_rank = ((this->rank == 0) ? (-1) : (this->rank - 1));
  size_t left_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, left_rank);
  int right_rank = ((this->rank + 1 == this->nprocs) ? (-1) : (this->rank + 1));
  size_t right_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, right_rank);
  float* neighbor_data = new float[std::max(left_block_len, right_block_len)];
  float* data_copy = new float[this->block_len];
  MPI_Request requests[2];
  for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; ++i) {
    if ((i & 1) ^ ((this->rank) & 1)) {
      if (right_block_len == 0)
        // no neighbor
      MPI_Sendrecv(/*sendbuf=*/&(this->data[this->block_len - 1]),
                   /*sendcount=*/1, /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/right_rank,
                   /*sendtag=*/i, /*recvbuf=*/&(neighbor_data[0]),
                   /*recvcount=*/1, /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT,
                   /*source=*/right_rank, /*recvtag=*/i,
                   /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      if (this->data[this->block_len - 1] <= neighbor_data[0]) {
        // no need to merge
      MPI_Isend(/*buf=*/this->data, /*count=*/this->block_len,
                /*datatype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/right_rank, /*tag=*/i,
                /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*request=*/&requests[0]);
      MPI_Irecv(/*buf=*/neighbor_data, /*count=*/right_block_len,
                /*source=*/right_rank, /*tag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD,
      size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
      MPI_Wait(/*request=*/&requests[1], /*status=*/MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      while (j < this->block_len && k < right_block_len &&
             l < this->block_len) {
        if (this->data[j] < neighbor_data[k]) {
          data_copy[l++] = this->data[j++];
        } else {
          data_copy[l++] = neighbor_data[k++];
      while (j < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
        data_copy[l++] = this->data[j++];
      while (k < right_block_len && l < this->block_len)
        data_copy[l++] = neighbor_data[k++];
    } else {
      if (left_block_len == 0)
        // no neighbor
                   /*sendcount=*/1, /*sendtype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/left_rank,
                   /*recvbuf=*/&(neighbor_data[left_block_len - 1]),
                   /*recvcount=*/1, /*recvtype=*/MPI_FLOAT,
                   /*source=*/left_rank, /*recvtag=*/i,
                   /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*status=*/MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      if (neighbor_data[left_block_len - 1] <= this->data[0])
        // no need to merge
      MPI_Isend(/*buf=*/this->data, /*count=*/this->block_len,
                /*datatype=*/MPI_FLOAT, /*dest=*/left_rank, /*tag=*/i,
                /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD, /*request=*/&requests[0]);
      MPI_Irecv(/*buf=*/neighbor_data, /*count=*/left_block_len,
                /*source=*/left_rank, /*tag=*/i, /*comm=*/MPI_COMM_WORLD,
      int j = left_block_len - 1, k = this->block_len - 1,
          l = this->block_len - 1;
      MPI_Wait(/*request=*/&requests[1], /*status=*/MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      while (j > -1 && k > -1 && l > -1) {
        if (neighbor_data[j] < this->data[k]) {
          data_copy[l--] = this->data[k--];
        } else {
          data_copy[l--] = neighbor_data[j--];
      while (j > -1 && l > -1) data_copy[l--] = neighbor_data[j--];
      while (k > -1 && l > -1) data_copy[l--] = this->data[k--];
    MPI_Wait(/*request=*/&requests[0], /*status=*/MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
    std::memcpy(this->data, data_copy, (this->block_len) * sizeof(float));
  delete[] neighbor_data;
  delete[] data_copy;


Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber CountExecution TimeSpeedup
1110000000012509.441000 ms1.
121000000006715.725000 ms1.86270894
141000000003682.796000 ms3.39672385
181000000002033.162000 ms6.15270254
1161000000001212.278000 ms10.31895407
232100000000797.821000 ms15.67950831


采用类似 Buffered Stream 方式边计算边发送, 即每计算 chunk_sizefloat 后就进行一次 Isend, 使得通信能够尽可能与计算重叠. 其中, send_right_bufferrecv_left_buffer 采取逆向存储, 以符合逆向归并的读写顺序. 为了尽可能缩短阻塞通信的时长, 仅在将要使用某一个 buffer 时才对该 buffer 进行 Waitall 确保上一轮通信已完成.


$ srun -N 1 -n 2 osu_bw
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v5.6.3
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       9.47
2                      18.54
4                      38.20
8                      76.28
16                    152.38
32                    286.08
64                    598.25
128                   382.26
256                   764.46
512                  1518.65
1024                 2471.40
2048                 3541.91
4096                 4986.57
8192                 6506.46
16384                5481.32
32768                7418.92
65536               10191.21
131072              12052.71
262144              12183.31
524288              11554.38
1048576             11871.98
2097152             12109.49
4194304             12458.68

选取 131072 作为 chunk_size.

Source Code

// odd_even_sort.cpp
#include <mpi.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>

#include "worker.h"

#ifdef DEBUG
// void PrintData(const float* data, const int count) {
//   for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) printf("%f, ", data[i]);
// }

template <class T = float>
class MPIStream {
  MPIStream(const int capacity = 0, MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_FLOAT,
            MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
      : datatype_(datatype), comm_(comm), target_(-1) {
    this->chunk_count_ = CalcChunkCount(capacity);
    this->data_ = new T[this->chunk_count_ << kLogChunkSize];
    this->requests_ = new MPI_Request[this->chunk_count_];
    std::fill(this->requests_, this->requests_ + this->chunk_count_,

  ~MPIStream() {
    delete[] this->data_;
    delete[] this->requests_;

  virtual T Get(const int pos = 0) { return this->data_[pos]; }

  virtual T ReverseGet(const int pos = 0) {
    return this->Get(this->size_ - pos - 1);

  virtual void Put(const T& value, const int pos = 0) {
    this->data_[pos] = value;

  virtual void ReversePut(const T& value, const int pos = 0) {
    this->Put(value, this->size_ - pos - 1);

  T* Data() { return this->data_; }

  void Connect(int target, const int size = 0) {
    this->target_ = target;
    this->size_ = size;
    this->chunk_count_ = CalcChunkCount(size);

  void CancelAll() {
    for (int i = 0; i < this->chunk_count_; ++i)

  int Waitall() {
    return MPI_Waitall(

#ifdef DEBUG
  static int CalcChunkCount(const int size) {
    return ((size + kChunkSizeMask) >> kLogChunkSize);
  static constexpr int kLogChunkSize = 17;
  static constexpr int kChunkSize = (1 << kLogChunkSize);
  static constexpr int kChunkSizeMask = (kChunkSize - 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
  T* data_;
  MPI_Datatype datatype_;
  MPI_Comm comm_;
  MPI_Request* requests_;
  int size_, chunk_count_;
  int target_;

template <class T = float>
class MPIInStream : public MPIStream<T> {
  MPIInStream(const int capacity = 0, MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_FLOAT,
              MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
      : MPIStream<T>(capacity, datatype, comm) {}

  virtual T Get(const int pos) override {
    if (this->target_ == -1) return this->data_[pos];
    int chunk_id = (pos >> kLogChunkSize);
    return this->data_[pos];

  void Irecv() {
    if (this->target_ == -1) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < this->chunk_count_; ++i) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      // int rank;
      // MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      // printf(
      //     "Irecv rank = %d, buf_pos = %d, count = %d, source = %d, tag =
      //     %d\n", rank, i << kLogChunkSize, kChunkSize, this->target_, i);
      MPI_Irecv(/*buf=*/this->data_ + (i << kLogChunkSize),

  void ConnectSource(int source, const int size = 0) {
    this->Connect(/*target=*/source, /*size=*/size);

#ifdef DEBUG
  using MPIStream<T>::kLogChunkSize;
  using MPIStream<T>::kChunkSize;
  using MPIStream<T>::kChunkSizeMask;

template <class T = float>
class MPIOutStream : public MPIStream<T> {
  MPIOutStream(const int capacity = 0, MPI_Datatype datatype = MPI_FLOAT,
               MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD)
      : MPIStream<T>(capacity, datatype, comm) {}

  void Load(const T* buffer, int count) {
    std::memcpy(this->data_, buffer, count * sizeof(T));

  void Reverse() { std::reverse(this->data_, this->data_ + this->size_); }

  void Isend() {
    if (this->target_ == -1) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < this->chunk_count_; ++i) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      // int rank;
      // MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      // printf("Isend rank = %d, buf_pos = %d, count = %d, dest = %d, tag =
      // %d\n",
      //        rank, i << kLogChunkSize, kChunkSize, this->target_, i);
          /*buf=*/this->data_ + (i << kLogChunkSize),

  virtual void Put(const T& value, const int pos = 0) override {
    if (this->target_ == -1) return this->MPIStream<T>::Put(value, pos);
    this->data_[pos] = value;
    if ((((pos + 1) & kChunkSizeMask) == 0) || (pos == this->size_ - 1)) {
      int chunk_id = (pos >> kLogChunkSize);
#ifdef DEBUG
      // int rank;
      // MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      // printf("Isend rank = %d, buf_pos = %d, count = %d, dest = %d, tag =
      // %d\n",
      //        rank, chunk_id << kLogChunkSize, kChunkSize, this->target_,
      //        chunk_id);
          /*buf=*/this->data_ + (chunk_id << kLogChunkSize),

  void ConnectDest(int dest, const int size = 0) {
    this->Connect(/*target=*/dest, /*size=*/size);

#ifdef DEBUG
  using MPIStream<T>::kLogChunkSize;
  using MPIStream<T>::kChunkSize;
  using MPIStream<T>::kChunkSizeMask;

size_t CalcBlockLen(const size_t n, const int nprocs, const int rank) {
  if (rank < 0) return 0;
  size_t block_size = ceiling(n, nprocs);
  size_t IO_offset = block_size * rank;
  bool out_of_range = IO_offset >= n;
  return out_of_range ? 0 : std::min(block_size, n - IO_offset);

void Worker::sort() {
  if (this->block_len == 0) return;
  std::sort(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  if (this->nprocs == 1) return;
#ifdef DEBUG
    // printf("[%d] begin: ", this->rank);
    // for (size_t i = 0; i < this->block_len; ++i) printf("%f, ",
    // this->data[i]); printf("\n");
  int left_rank = ((this->rank == 0) ? (-1) : (this->rank - 1));
  int right_rank = ((this->rank + 1 == this->nprocs) ? (-1) : (this->rank + 1));
  size_t left_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, left_rank);
  if (left_block_len == 0) left_rank = -1;
  size_t right_block_len = CalcBlockLen(this->n, this->nprocs, right_rank);
  if (right_block_len == 0) right_rank = -1;
  auto send_left_buffer = MPIOutStream<>(/*capacity=*/this->block_len);
  send_left_buffer.ConnectDest(/*dest=*/left_rank, /*size=*/this->block_len);
  send_left_buffer.Load(this->data, this->block_len);
  auto send_right_buffer = MPIOutStream<>(/*capacity=*/this->block_len);
  send_right_buffer.ConnectDest(/*dest=*/right_rank, /*size=*/this->block_len);
  send_right_buffer.Load(this->data, this->block_len);
  auto recv_left_buffer = MPIInStream<>(/*capacity=*/left_block_len);
  recv_left_buffer.ConnectSource(/*source=*/left_rank, /*size=*/left_block_len);
  auto recv_right_buffer = MPIInStream<>(/*capacity=*/right_block_len);
  if (this->rank & 1) {
  } else {
  for (int i = 0; i < this->nprocs; ++i) {
    // printf("!!! Rank = %d, i = %d\n", this->rank, i);
    if ((i ^ this->rank) & 1) {
      // recv from right, send to left
      if (i == this->nprocs - 1) send_left_buffer.ConnectDest(/*dest=*/-1);
      if (right_block_len == 0) {
        send_left_buffer.Load(send_right_buffer.Data(), this->block_len);
      } else {
        size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
        while (j < this->block_len && k < right_block_len &&
               l < this->block_len) {
          if (send_right_buffer.ReverseGet(j) < recv_right_buffer.Get(k)) {
            send_left_buffer.Put(send_right_buffer.ReverseGet(j++), l++);
          } else {
            send_left_buffer.Put(recv_right_buffer.Get(k++), l++);
        while (j < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
          send_left_buffer.Put(send_right_buffer.ReverseGet(j++), l++);
        while (k < right_block_len && l < this->block_len)
          send_left_buffer.Put(recv_right_buffer.Get(k++), l++);
    } else {
      // recv from left, send to right
      if (i == this->nprocs - 1) send_right_buffer.ConnectDest(/*dest=*/-1);
      if (left_block_len == 0) {
        send_right_buffer.Load(send_left_buffer.Data(), this->block_len);
      } else {
        size_t j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
        while (j < this->block_len && k < left_block_len &&
               l < this->block_len) {
          if (send_left_buffer.ReverseGet(j) > recv_left_buffer.Get(k)) {
            send_right_buffer.Put(send_left_buffer.ReverseGet(j++), l++);
          } else {
            send_right_buffer.Put(recv_left_buffer.Get(k++), l++);
        while (j < this->block_len && l < this->block_len)
          send_right_buffer.Put(send_left_buffer.ReverseGet(j++), l++);
        while (k < left_block_len && l < this->block_len)
          send_right_buffer.Put(recv_left_buffer.Get(k++), l++);
  if ((this->rank ^ this->nprocs) & 1) {
    std::memcpy(this->data, send_right_buffer.Data(),
                this->block_len * sizeof(float));
    std::reverse(this->data, this->data + this->block_len);
  } else {
    std::memcpy(this->data, send_left_buffer.Data(),
                this->block_len * sizeof(float));
#ifdef DEBUG
  // printf("[%d] end send_left: ", this->rank);
  // PrintData(send_left_buffer.Data(), this->block_len);
  // printf("\n");
  // printf("[%d] end send_right: ", this->rank);
  // PrintData(send_right_buffer.Data(), this->block_len);
  // printf("\n");
  // printf("[%d] end recv_left: ", this->rank);
  // PrintData(recv_left_buffer.Data(), left_block_len);
  // printf("\n");
  // printf("[%d] end recv_right: ", this->rank);
  // PrintData(recv_right_buffer.Data(), right_block_len);
  // printf("\n");


由于逻辑变得复杂, 效果非常不理想.

Number of NodesNumber of TasksNumber CountExecution TimeSpeedup
1110000000012483.309000 ms1.
121000000007433.843000 ms1.67925379
141000000005337.546000 ms2.3387731
181000000003785.481000 ms3.29768106
1161000000002839.709000 ms4.39598177
2321000000002490.944000 ms5.01147717

  1. “Five Lectures on CA”open in new window (PDF). Liinwww.ira.uka.deopen in new window. Retrieved 2017-07-30. ↩︎

  2. Lang, Hans Werner. “The 0-1-principle”open in new window. Iti.fh-flensburg.deopen in new window. Retrieved 30 July 2017. ↩︎

  3. “Distributed Sorting”open in new window (PDF). Net.t-labs.tu-berlin.deopen in new window. Retrieved 2017-07-30. ↩︎