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How To Filter JNI Interface in LLVM IR

ResearchC/C++JNIJavaLLVMAbout 2 minAbout 456 words

JNIEnv ( aka const struct JNINativeInterface*, defined in jni.h ) provides a rich interface for accessing Java variables and methods in C/C++. All interfaces are members of struct.JNINativeInterface. You can read jni.h for more details.

Use JNIEnv in C/C++


The jni.h bundled in the NDK LLVM toolchain is usually located at ${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include/jni.h.

Here is a simple example showing how to use JNIEnv. In the example below, you need to pass the Class ID and Method ID to the interface so that JNI will call the appropriate method for you.

jfloat J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack__getMaxVolume(JNIEnv *env) {
  return (*env)->CallStaticFloatMethod(

How JNIEnv Is Called in LLVM IR

After translating the example to LLVM IR with -O0 option ( no optimization ), we get

; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind sspstrong uwtable
define float @J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack__getMaxVolume(%struct.JNINativeInterface**) #0 !dbg !1243 {
  %2 = alloca %struct.JNINativeInterface**, align 4
  store %struct.JNINativeInterface** %0, %struct.JNINativeInterface*** %2, align 4
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %struct.JNINativeInterface*** %2, metadata !1246, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !1247
  %3 = load %struct.JNINativeInterface**, %struct.JNINativeInterface*** %2, align 4, !dbg !1248
  %4 = load %struct.JNINativeInterface*, %struct.JNINativeInterface** %3, align 4, !dbg !1249
  %5 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.JNINativeInterface, %struct.JNINativeInterface* %4, i32 0, i32 135, !dbg !1250
  %6 = load float (%struct.JNINativeInterface**, i8*, %struct._jmethodID*, ...)*, float (%struct.JNINativeInterface**, i8*, %struct._jmethodID*, ...)** %5, align 4, !dbg !1250
  %7 = load %struct.JNINativeInterface**, %struct.JNINativeInterface*** %2, align 4, !dbg !1251
  %8 = load i8*, i8** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack, %struct.J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack* @class_J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack, i32 0, i32 0), align 4, !dbg !1252
  %9 = load %struct._jmethodID*, %struct._jmethodID** getelementptr inbounds (%struct.J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack, %struct.J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack* @class_J4AC_android_media_AudioTrack, i32 0, i32 3), align 4, !dbg !1253
  %10 = call float (%struct.JNINativeInterface**, i8*, %struct._jmethodID*, ...) %6(%struct.JNINativeInterface** %7, i8* %8, %struct._jmethodID* %9), !dbg !1254
  ret float %10, !dbg !1255

%10 is a CallInst which calls the CallStaticFloatMethod function. The called operand is a LoadInst, %6, which loads the function from the pointer %5. %5 is a pointer to the element in struct.JNINativeInterface. The last operand of the GetElementPtrInst %5 is i32 135. With an alignment of 4 ( usually on 32-bit machines ), it means an offset of 135 * 4 = 540.

Therefore, we can obtain the index of struct members like this:

auto call_inst = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&instruction);
if (!call_inst) continue;
outs() << "CallInst: " << *call_inst << "\n";
auto load_inst = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(call_inst->getCalledOperand());
if (!load_inst) continue;
outs() << "LoadInst: " << *load_inst << "\n";
auto get_element_ptr_inst =
if (!get_element_ptr_inst) continue;
outs() << "GemElementPtrInst: " << *get_element_ptr_inst << "\n";
auto jni_native_interface =
if (!jni_native_interface) continue;
outs() << "StructName: " << jni_native_interface->getStructName() << "\n";
if (jni_native_interface->getStructName() != "struct.JNINativeInterface")
if (get_element_ptr_inst->getNumIndices() != 2) continue;
if (!(get_element_ptr_inst->hasAllConstantIndices())) continue;
auto index = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(get_element_ptr_inst->idx_begin() + 1);
outs() << "offset_in_alignment: " << index->getSExtValue() << "\n";
