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Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models

Reading NotesResearchFace ModelAbout 2 minAbout 700 words

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  • focus on expression
  • interpretable
  • Blendshapes\vbf=\vbb0+\vbB\vbw\vb{f} = \vb{b}_0 + \vb{B} \vb{w}


blendshapes: simple, expressive, interpretable

advantages of blendshapes:

  • Blendshapes are a semantic parameterization.
  • To some extent blendshapes force the animator to stat “on model”, that is, arbitary deformations are not possible.

1. Terminology

  • blendshape targets / morph targets: individual basis vectors
  • sliders: weights of blendshape targets
  • morphable model: linear facial model, focus on identity, underlying basis is orthogonal

3. Algebra and Algorithms

  • nn — # of blendshapes
  • pp — # of vertices
  • \vbbk\vb{b}_k — By “unrolling” the numbers composing each blendshape into a long vector \vbbk\vb{b}_k in some order that is arbitary ( such as xxxyyyzzz, or alternately xyzxyzxyz )
  • \vbf\vb{f} — resulting face, in the form of a (m=3p)×1(m = 3 p) \times 1 vector
  • \vbB\vb{B} — a (m=3p)×n(m = 3 p) \times n matrix whose column vectors, \vbbk\vb{b}_k, are the individual blendshapes
  • \vbw\vb{w} — weights ( a n×1n \times 1 vector )

blendshape model is expressed as

\vbf=k=0nwk\vbbk=\vbB\vbw \vb{f} = \sum_{k = 0}^n w_k \vb{b}_k = \vb{B} \vb{w}

3.1. Delta blendshape formulation

\vbf=\vbb0+k=1nwk(\vbbk\vbb0)=\vbb0+\vbB\vbw \vb{f} = \vb{b}_0 + \sum_{k = 1}^n w_k \pqty{\vb{b}_k - \vb{b}_0} = \vb{b}_0 + \vb{B} \vb{w}

  • \vbb0\vb{b}_0 — neutral shape

3.2. Intermediate shapes

allow targets to be situated at intermediate weight values

3.3. Combination blendshapes

\vbf=\vbf0+\vbb1w1+\vbb2w2+\vbb3w3+  +\vbb1,5w1w5+\vbb2,13w2w13+  +\vbb2,3,10w2w3w10+ \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \vb{f} & = \vb{f}_0 + \vb{b}_1 w_1 + \vb{b}_2 w_2 + \vb{b}_3 w_3 + \dots \\ & \qquad \; + \: \vb{b}_{1, 5} w_1 w_5 + \vb{b}_{2, 13} w_2 w_{13} + \dots \\ & \qquad \; + \: \vb{b}_{2, 3, 10} w_2 w_3 w_{10} + \dots \end{split} \end{equation*}

  • A term \vbb1,5w1w5\vb{b}_{1, 5} w_1 w_5 is a bilinear “correction” shape.
  • The combination blendshape scheme is not ideal from an interpolation point of view.

3.4. Hybrid rigs

In a bendshape model the jaw and neck are sometimes handled by alternate approaches.

4. Constructing Blendshapes

5. Animation and Interaction Techniques

5.1. Keyframe animation

5.2. Performance-driven animation

5.3. Expression cloning

5.4. Partially-automated animation

5.5 Direct manipulation

5.5.1 Direct manipulation of PCA models

5.5.2 Direct manipulation of blendshapes

5.6. Further interaction techniques

6. Facial Animation as an Interpolation Problem

6.1. Linear interpolation

6.2. Blendshapes as a high dimensional interpolation problem

6.3. Blendshapes as a tangent space

f(\vbw)=f(0)+\pdv\vbf\vbw\vdot\vbw=\vbb0+\vbB\vbw f\pqty{\vb{w}} = f\pqty{0} + \pdv{\vb{f}}{\vb{w}} \vdot \vb{w} = \vb{b}_0 + \vb{B} \vb{w}

7. The Blendshape Parameterization

7.1. Lack of orthogonality

7.2. Blendshape models are not unique

7.3. Equivalence of whole-face and delta blendshape formulations

7.4. Global versus local control

7.5. Convex combination of shapes

k=1nwk=1wk0,for all k \begin{align*} \sum_{k = 1}^n w_k & = 1 \\ w_k & \geqslant 0, & & \text{for all $k$} \end{align*}

7.6. Semantic parameterization

7.7. PCA is not interpretable

7.8. Conversion between blendshape and PCA representations

  • \vbU,\vbc\vb{U}, \vb{c} — PCA eigenvectors and coefficients
  • \vbf0,\vbe0\vb{f}_0, \vb{e}_0 — neutral face and mean face

\vbB\vbw+\vbf0=\vbU\vbc+\vbe0 \vb{B} \vb{w} + \vb{f}_0 = \vb{U} \vb{c} + \vb{e}_0

\vbw=(\vbBT\vbB)1\vbBT(\vbU\vbc+\vbe0\vbf0)\vbc=(\vbUT\vbU)1\vbUT(\vbB\vbw+\vbf0\vbe0) \begin{gather*} \vb{w} = \pqty{\vb{B}^T \vb{B}}^{-1} \vb{B}^T \pqty{\vb{U} \vb{c} + \vb{e}_0 - \vb{f}_0} \\ \vb{c} = \pqty{\vb{U}^T \vb{U}}^{-1} \vb{U}^T \pqty{\vb{B} \vb{w} + \vb{f}_0 - \vb{e}_0} \end{gather*}

7.9. Probability of a blendshape expression

  • \vbf\vb{f} — vector representing the face
  • \vbui\vb{u}_i — eigenvector
  • λi\lambda_i — eigenvalue

E\bqtyci2=E\bqty\vbuiT\vbf\vbfT\vbui=\vbuiTE\bqty\vbf\vbfT\vbui=\vbuiT\vbC\vbui=\vbuiTλi\vbui=λibecause \norm\vbui=1 \begin{equation*} \begin{split} \mathbb{E}\bqty{c_i^2} & = \mathbb{E}\bqty{\vb{u}_i^T \vb{f} \vb{f}^T \vb{u}_i} \\ & = \vb{u}_i^T \mathbb{E}\bqty{\vb{f} \vb{f}^T} \vb{u}_i = \vb{u}_i^T \vb{C} \vb{u}_i \\ & = \vb{u}_i^T \lambda_i \vb{u}_i \\ & = \lambda_i \qq{because $\norm{\vb{u}_i} = 1$} \end{split} \end{equation*}

P(\vbc)=exp(ici2λi)=exp(\vbcTΛ1\vbc) P\pqty{\vb{c}} = \exp(\sum_i \frac{c_i^2}{\lambda_i}) = \exp(- \vb{c}^T \Lambda^{-1} \vb{c})

7.10. Compressing blendshapes

8. Further Applications

8.1. Model transfer

8.2. Blendshape refinement

8.3. Discovery of blendshapes