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SCAPE: Shape Completion and Animation of People


  • Pose Deformation
    • Input — mesh, align with template, different poses of a human
    • Params — pose deformation ( twist vector )
    • Output – mesh
  • Body Deformation
    • Input — mesh, different individuals
    • Params — body deformation ( PCA )
    • Output – mesh

Reading NotesResearchBody ModelAbout 2 minAbout 642 words
Automatic Rigging and Animation of 3D Characters


  • Pinocchio
    • Input — a static character mesh + a generic skeleton
    • Output — adapt skeleton to character and attach it to surface
  • Skeleton Embedding
    • Discretization
      • Distance Field
      • Approximate Medial Surface
      • Sphere Packing
      • Graph Construction
    • Reduced Skeleton
    • Discrete Penalty Function
    • Embedding Refinement
  • Skin Attachment — attach skeleton to surface

Reading NotesResearchBody ModelAbout 3 minAbout 790 words